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發表於 : 2023年 2月 11日, 12:46
由 cajhbb
小琳是一個喜歡新知、充滿好奇心的女生,有一天她讀書讀得有點累,不知不覺躺在床上睡著了。在夢境中,她夢到身體輕飄飄地,穿越了層層的薄霧和雲朵,小琳發現她竟然穿越到 17 世紀的英國,小琳遇到她敬仰已久的牛頓。小琳好奇著問牛頓「你是如何想出運動的第二定律?」牛頓告訴小琳,他因為觀察到果子從樹上掉下來,於是從中推導出了運動的第二定律。話剛說完不久,夢中場景突然切換到 20 世紀初的美國,小琳最崇拜的愛因斯坦竟然就在她身旁,小琳問他「 你是如何想出相對論的?」愛因斯坦回答「因為我發現如果假設光的傳播速度恆定,會產生許多矛盾的結論,然後就提出了相對論的概念來解决這些矛盾。」話一說完,小琳發現夢中場景又變了。她發現自己被帶到了英國劍橋,在那裡小琳遇到知名的宇宙學家霍金,小琳好奇地問他「你對於宇宙起源有什麼看法?」霍金親切地回答「我相信宇宙是源自於一場巨大的爆炸,隨著時間推移因而產生了無數的星系。」小琳在謝謝霍金後,自己就醒了過來。她起身站到窗戶旁,覺得這次的夢境真是非常有趣呢。
發表於 : 2023年 2月 11日, 13:12
由 cajhbb
- AI-繪圖01.jpg (64.25 KiB) 已瀏覽 1642 次
- AI-繪圖02.jpg (77.78 KiB) 已瀏覽 1642 次
Tips for AI Drawing:
Scene 1:
Set the scene in 17th century England
The room is spacious with large windows and wooden floorboards
There is a large wooden desk with scattered books, papers and quills.
The atmosphere is peaceful, with natural light filtering through the windows and a warm glow from a nearby candle
There is a feeling of knowledge and learning in the air, with the walls lined with shelves of books and a telescope positioned near the window.
Scene 2:
Set the scene in early 20th century America
The room has a modern feel, with sleek lines and a minimalist aesthetic.
There is a large chalkboard with equations and sketches, a desk with papers and pens, and a comfortable armchair nearby.
The atmosphere is electric, with a sense of excitement and discovery.
The room is well lit, with natural light from large windows and artificial light from hanging lamps.
Scene 3:
Set the scene in Cambridge, England
The room is an astronomer's laboratory, with high ceilings and large windows facing the night sky.
There are telescopes, charts, and astronomical equipment scattered throughout the room.
The atmosphere is mysterious and awe-inspiring, with a feeling of wonder and discovery.
The walls are lined with shelves of books, and a large star map is spread out on a nearby table.
發表於 : 2023年 2月 11日, 13:14
由 cajhbb